
How to clean a streak-free stretch ceiling in 5 steps

Despite the antistatic and protective impregnation of stretch ceilings, they still need to be washed. In living rooms, it is advisable to do this 1-2 times a year, and in the kitchen – every 2-3 months as oily deposits and soot appear. Fortunately, cleaning the ceilings is not all that troublesome, and there is no additional cost or time to clean. In this material we will tell you how and what to wash stretch ceilings (glossy, matte, satin and fabric).

How to wash a stretch ceiling at home – a universal way

At home, manufacturers recommend washing the stretch ceiling only with special products or soapy water. In most cases, such cleaning is sufficient to clean the canvas from dust, construction dirt, greasy or nicotine deposits, and soot. In this step-by-step guide, we will tell you about the versatile and only cleaning method approved by the tension structure manufacturers..

You will need:

  • An ordinary mop with bristles, or better with a flat nozzle;
  • Clean and soft microfiber or flannel rags (2 pcs.);
  • A bowl of warm water (but not hot!);
  • Atomizer (optional);
  • Liquid soap;
  • For greater convenience, it is advisable to prepare a stepladder.

Stretch ceiling cleaning with a flat bed mop and microfiber nozzle

Washing a stretch ceiling with a telescopic mop is more convenient and safer for the canvas than any other

Step 1. Dilute a mild soapy solution of liquid soap and warm water in a bowl. If you use a spray bottle, the following proportions are suitable: for 1 glass of water 4 drops of liquid soap.

Step 2. Throw / put on a cloth moistened with soapy water (but not hot!) Over the mop and start cleaning. Begin to wash the stretch ceiling with a mop moving from one corner to another, systematically moving through the entire canvas. If the ceiling area is very large, then you can divide it into several sections, each of which should be washed moving from the walls to the center of the canvas..

  • If you are using a spray bottle, you can distribute the product evenly over one section, then wash it by hand or with a mop and a clean, damp cloth. Next, you should move to another site. The principle of movement of the mop is still the same – from the walls to the center of the canvas..

It is good if you have a stepladder – it will allow you to manually remove local spots on the canvas, more dexterously wield a mop and better see dirt. Also, a stepladder is needed if the ceilings are high..

  • Avoid applying too much pressure to avoid rubbing dirt or dust into the canvas and damaging it. Especially great care must be taken when washing stretch ceilings installed close to the base (for example, at a level of 3-4 cm). In the latter case, it is better not to use a mop at all, but to wash the ceiling with your hands, climbing a stepladder.

Stretch ceiling washing

Washing stretch ceilings by hand is safer than with a mop

Step 3. If necessary, use one of the home remedies or specialty products described in the next chapter to remove tough stains..

Step 4. If you wish, you can play it safe against the appearance of stains and once again walk on the canvas with a mop with a clean damp cloth.

Step 5. After finishing cleaning, be sure to wipe the stretch ceiling with a clean, dry cloth to get rid of the remnants of the product, and most importantly – from streaks. In fact, this stage is the polishing of the canvas..

Key rules:

  • For cleaning stretch ceilings, it is permissible to use only soft, lint-free rags (microfiber or flannel). Brushes and hard sponges must not be used.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use cleaning agents for cleaning ceilings containing: acetone, alkalis, solvents, chlorine, abrasive particles, as well as any washing powders, laundry soap, mustard, soda.
  • Tensile structures cannot be washed with hot water.
  • If you plan to wash the ceiling by hand, then before starting cleaning, be sure to remove the rings (especially with stones) from yourself so as not to damage the film.

What else can you wash stretch ceilings

Despite the fact that manufacturers categorically do not recommend cleaning stretch ceilings with anything other than soap solution or special products (sold in hardware and building stores, in stretch ceilings manufacturing companies), practice shows that sometimes they can be replaced:

  • Window cleaner (based on ammonia) is good because it allows you to wash stretch ceilings (except for matte and fabric ceilings) without leaving streaks. It also copes well with greasy deposits and soot, local pollution. It is safest to use colorless liquids (no dyes in the composition).
  • Dishwashing liquid – it is as neutral as soap, but it copes better with greasy deposits, which is important for washing stretch ceilings in the kitchen.
  • A solution of warm water and 10% ammonia (in a ratio of 9: 1) – suitable for washing only glossy and satin stretch ceilings (NOT suitable for matte ceilings!). They can effectively remove greasy and nicotine plaque, soot, food contamination and splashes, as well as remove streaks after basic cleaning. After applying the solution, the canvas must be wiped dry..

Detergent for stretch ceilings

Detergent for stretch ceilings

See also: How to clean the kitchen from grease and dirt – 11 recipes for different surfaces

How to clean matte, satin and fabric stretch ceilings?

  • The safest way to clean fabric ceilings is by dry cleaning (soft flannel / microfiber cloths). It is permissible to use the vacuum cleaner in a mode of low suction power (carefully). In this case, the nozzle must be kept at a distance of 3-5 centimeters from the canvas. If you need to clean stains and dirt, then you can use the same mild soap solution, treat the contaminated area with it and leave it for 5 minutes. The main thing is not to overdo it with friction, otherwise traces may remain.

Stretch ceiling cleaning with a vacuum cleaner

You can also wash the fabric ceiling using a special tool as in the photo below..

Cleaner for fabric ceilings

  • Satin ceilings can be washed in the same way as glossy (see instructions in the first chapter).
  • Matte ceilings are cleaned in the same way as glossy or satin ceilings. However, they cannot be cleaned with alcohol-based products (including ammonia).

Some more tips for prevention and care

  • If your kitchen has stretch ceilings, remember to use a range hood every time you cook (especially if you have a gas stove!).
  • Remember that it is better to wipe off any dirt immediately, before they dry up and “eat”.
  • To simply remove dust, just wipe the ceiling with a dry cloth.
  • In difficult cases, it is better to use the services of a cleaning company or the services of a ceiling installation company (some companies provide cleaning services). Professionals clean tensioning structures with special vacuum cleaners and detergents.

The cleaner cleans the stretch ceiling