
Step-by-step master class: gluing wallpaper in the kitchen

Pasting a kitchen with wallpaper is not a very difficult process that you can handle yourself. You just need to choose the right material, prepare the necessary tools and surfaces, observe the technology of cutting and gluing the canvases. Renovating the walls is a great way to quickly and relatively budget change the interior of the kitchen..

Briefly about the types – which is better?

First you need to decide on the material suitable for the kitchen conditions and the desired design..

What to choose from the point of view of practicality? There are the following types of coatings:

  • Paper;
  • Non-woven;
  • Vinyl;
  • Textile;
  • Liquid;
  • Fiberglass Wallpaper.

Each of these materials may look beautiful, but, of course, they have different strength and moisture resistance..

On each roll you will find a mark by which you can determine how suitable the wallpaper is for the kitchen. As you can see, some icons are underlined – it is desirable that your wallpaper has exactly these characteristics.

Wallpaper marking

In the kitchen, wallpaper must be washable, durable, light and moisture resistant. In short, our view:

  • The best choice: non-woven vinyl wallpaper. The canvas neatly lays down on the walls, looks beautiful and it is easy to stick it on your own, and in addition, this material is distinguished by high moisture resistance, plus, if your walls are not perfectly flat, this option is most desirable.
  • Worst choice: it is better not to paste over paper and textile wallpaper, since they are poorly cleaned and quickly deteriorate in the kitchen.

Choosing a design – 7 main secrets

A lot can be said about the topic of choosing wallpaper in terms of color and pattern, because indeed this issue needs to be thought out well. After all, we are our own designers, which means that we will have to figure out the colors, prints, the right combinations with furniture and walls in other rooms on our own. The color and design of the canvases is selected depending on the shape, size of the room, its level of natural light, your preferences.

Here are 7 main rules for choosing wallpaper designs that you need to know:

  1. For well-lit rooms, choose cold shades;
  2. Kitchens with windows facing north are decorated with wallpaper in warm colors;
  3. Small kitchens 5,6,7 square meters decorate with light wallpaper without complex patterns. One accent wall allowed.
  4. Narrow kitchen will become wider when decorating walls in light colors and drawing in a longitudinal strip;
  5. Low ceiling kitchen striped walls or vertical patterns are shown;
  6. Win-win and the most versatile colors that always look beautiful: white, beige, gray, muted blue;
  7. Solid wallpaper is not only a tribute to fashion and always appropriate restraint, but also the best option for gluing with your own hands easily and quickly, because they do not require pattern matching.

Light wallpaper in the kitchen Colored wallpaper in the kitchen

Advice! You can cover the walls with different wallpapers, creating interesting interior accents. To avoid the problems of choice and doubts, if you want to create such a design yourself, without the help of a designer, you need to choose from any one collection, where all the companion options have already been carefully selected.

Preparing the wall correctly

Work always starts with preparing the walls.

Step 1. A high-quality result cannot be ensured if you do not first remove the old wallpaper and putty the wall. All this is not difficult to do with your own hands..

To remove old wallpaper from the wall, use a metal spatula and a spray bottle (wet wallpaper is easier to remove from the wall). Old coatings – peeling paint and whitewash – also need to be removed.

How to remove old wallpaper

Step 2. After that, the walls must be leveled with putty. Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper can be used to paste over surfaces with minor defects, but large irregularities, cracks, etc., must be eliminated..

Putty and primer before wallpapering

Advice! Keep in mind that under non-woven wallpaper, one layer of putty will be enough, and for vinyl and even more paper, a smoother surface will be required..

Step 3. The last layer of putty must be sanded.

Step 4. And now a primer is needed. After such operations, your old walls will not be recognized, and all coatings will be glued to them without difficulty..

For more information on how to properly putty and level the walls under the wallpaper yourself, see the following video:

Cooking tools

When deciding how to glue the wallpaper in the kitchen, you cannot ignore the issue of preparing the tools..

To quickly cut canvases, you need:

  • Square;
  • The metal rulers are long;
  • Wallpaper knife with sharp, replaceable blades;
  • Good scissors;
  • Yardstick.

And for gluing wallpaper you will need:

  • Spray gun with water, metal spatula – to remove old layers of wallpaper;
  • Plumb line, level (normal or laser);
  • Rule, profile for vertical layout;
  • Rollers or brushes to apply glue to panels and walls;
  • Wide, narrow rubber rollers for smoothing fabrics;
  • Bucket and tray for the glue mixture;
  • Water, clean soft cloth or brush.

Getting started – we cut the canvases and prepare the glue

To understand how to properly glue the wallpaper, you first need to figure out how to cut the roll. There are the following cutting options:

  1. Cut along the wall, first applying the roll in the right place and marking.
  2. Cut on the table, once measuring the height of the ceiling and adding 10 centimeters to it in reserve.
  3. Wallpaper with a pattern is cut taking into account the step of the repeating pattern – as a rule, this value is indicated on the packaging, but you can check by finding repeating elements.

Advice! If you are cutting several canvases at once, then do not forget to sign them in the sequence in which they will be glued to the wall..

Open the wallpaper

There is one more important point – the dilution of the glue. The adhesive composition is selected in accordance with the type of wallpaper material and diluted with careful observance of the instructions in cool water. The composition is mixed until it acquires a jelly-like consistency. More about the types of glue and its preparation:

How to paste over walls – step by step instructions

So, how to properly glue the wallpaper? The walls are already fully prepared – the old coatings were removed, and the surface was putty and primed. After the primer has dried, we select the options for applying glue (depending on the type of material used):

  • In the case of paper-based vinyl wallpaper, canvases are coated;
  • For gluing non-woven wallpaper, glue is applied to the walls.

It is recommended to apply wallpaper both on the wall and on the canvas – this way the better adhesion of the surfaces is ensured, in addition, the joining of the pattern and the alignment of the canvas will be easier.

If you need to apply glue to the canvases, and not to the wall, then prepare a clean place for them in advance..

The glue is applied in an even layer on the wallpaper without gaps, after which the canvases are folded in half and left for a few minutes. Particular attention should be paid to the wall – in the place where the wallpaper will join (after all, modern materials are glued end-to-end, not overlapping). The start of work should be carried out from the center of the room if there are 2 windows in it or from the corner of the wall where the window opening is located.

How to glue wallpaper in the kitchen with your own hands - the beginning

The first canvas is glued just in the corner – so that it goes 5-6 cm onto the next wall.Before gluing the first canvas, the vertical is necessarily marked along the construction plumb line or level – this line is drawn with a pencil along the wall, as shown in the photo above. They begin to glue the wallpaper from above, aligning the canvas exactly along the vertical drawn. First, the top and edge of the material are exposed, and so far only a rag or a brush is used for pressing, but not a roller. After the upper part of the canvas is glued, open the lower part and also carefully level it to the plinth.

How to glue wallpaper in the kitchen with your own hands - step 2

After the canvas is aligned and fixed, it is pressed in the herringbone pattern, first in the center, and then sideways, moving from top to bottom.

If a micro gap forms between the canvases at the joints, they can be easily moved. It will be easier to do this if the canvas is missed along with the wall. At the final stage, you need to additionally lubricate the joints and walk along them with a short rubber roller to fix.

Docking the pattern when gluing wallpaper

This is followed by quality control of gluing – the wallpaper should fit snugly against the wall without air bubbles. After the whole room is pasted over and the canvas dries out a little, you can cut off the excess formed at the top and bottom. Here it is important to use a sharp knife so that there are no scuffs left at the cut site or cut evenly with scissors at the bend, as shown in the following photo.

How to cut off excess wallpaper from the top

How to cut off excess wallpaper from the bottom

And how to glue the last canvas? Measure the width of the not yet glued section of the wall and add 1.5 – 2 cm to it (photo 1). Cut the blade to the desired width. Now dock this canvas with the adjacent canvas, glue and iron the seam, and then iron the formed overlap in the corner vertically with a rag or brush (photo 2).

How to glue the last wallpaper

Trim off any excess in the corner, top and bottom. Wipe off any remaining glue with a sponge. Keep in mind that the drawing may not line up perfectly as a result, but it is not very noticeable in the corner..

How to glue the last wallpaper

How to glue wallpaper near doors, windows and corners?

In order to glue the wallpaper with your own hands beautifully and professionally, you need to pay special attention to working near windows and doors in the kitchen. It’s not difficult, the main thing is to know how to do it according to the rules and common sense..

How to glue the wallpaper near the window?

How to properly glue the wallpaper near the window

When you get to the window, glue the next cut as usual, that is, the canvas will step over the window opening. Make horizontal cuts on the canvas, bend and iron the paper as shown in photo 1. If a piece of wallpaper does not reach the window, then it is necessary to glue an additional piece. Cut the canvas with a cutter so that it perfectly frames the windowsill (photo 2). Cut off all excess and iron (photo 3). Now we will paste over the upper part of the window opening as shown in the photo..

How to properly glue the wallpaper to the top of the window

How to properly glue the wallpaper to the top of the window

The side walls and top do not need to be pasted over. Just glue the sections of the canvas, joining the picture, and, if desired, install the corners along the edges of the window opening.

How to wallpaper a wall near a door?

When you get to the door, attach the sheet as usual with the entrance to the door. Cut off the excess (the section covering the door) with scissors, leaving a few centimeters of excess paper on top and on the sides (photo 1). Then make a small cut diagonally as shown in photo 2.

How to paste wallpaper near the door

Cut off excess paper at the top of the door frame and at the bottom. Use the edge of the door body as a guide. Iron the wallpaper along the door.

How to paste wallpaper near the door

Now let’s make the wall above the door. Hang a short piece of cloth over the door. Join the pattern and trim off the excess at the ceiling and top of the door (photo 1). Paste over the other side of the door according to the same principle as described above. But do not cut off the excess vertically (along the edge of the door body) until you glue the next sheet, so that later you can correct the irregularities.

How to paste wallpaper near the door

How to glue the wallpaper in the corners?

There are internal corners in any room. You need to glue them as shown in the photo instructions below..

How to glue wallpaper in the inner corner

But protruding corners are not found in all kitchens, but in many.

How to wallpaper a protruding corner

We glue the border and wallpaper near sockets, switches, batteries

So, in general, we figured out how to glue the wallpaper in the kitchen with our own hands. And how to properly wallpaper the walls near the battery, sockets and switches? Let’s figure it out.

How to properly glue the wallpaper near the battery?

Start wallpapering the wall above the radiator as usual, and after gluing the canvas to the edge of the radiator, let it hang over the radiator surface (photo 1). Then cut the wallpaper so that it goes slightly behind the radiator (photo 2). Now glue them with a roller behind the battery (photo 3).

How to glue the wallpaper near the battery

How to decorate the wallpaper, where the sockets and switches are located?

  • Turn off the lights. Hang the paper on the switch panel. Mark the position of the corners of the switch as shown in the figure..

How to glue wallpaper near sockets and switches

  • Using a clerical knife, make a diagonal cut from one corner to the opposite corner, you should get four triangular flaps. Fold these patches along the edge of the wall and cut the resulting unnecessary triangles along the crease..
  • Loosen the fastening of the switch panel or socket and pull it out slightly through the hole made.
  • Iron the paper under the switch panel. Then put it back in and remove any excess glue. Do not turn on the electricity until completely dry.

How to glue the border correctly?

  • Draw control lines with a pencil on the wall at the height where you want to glue the border and stick it slightly stepping onto the adjacent wall. (photo 1);
  • On the second wall, glue the border in the same way so that an overlap forms in the corner, and then carefully cut the top layer of the border exactly in the corner (image 2).

How to glue the border correctly

So that is all.

If you want to learn in more detail how to glue the wallpaper in the kitchen yourself in difficult places, look at the video: