
Anthurium – home care guide

When an anthurium settles in the house, all attention involuntarily turns to it: juicy dark green leaves and a bright cover of the inflorescence are both spectacular and very neat type of indoor plant. The non-botanical names “male happiness” and “red tongue” have also come into use..


Quirky leafy bedspread looks shiny and slightly fake, as if it were made of plastic!

By the way, the colored bedspread, which many take for the flower itself, can be not only red, but also orange, pink, white and light green..

The best qualities of anthurium:

  • Caring for anthurium at home is not difficult even for beginners and lazy florists;
  • The plant is quite suitable for apartments with low illumination (which especially pleases Russians in autumn and winter);
  • The plant can please with flowering for a very long time: almost all year round;
  • This is a great option for cutting: the flowers will stand in the water for an amazingly long time (about a month).


If you accidentally find out about a birthday or a date, the anthurium can donate its beautiful scarlet flowers so that its owner does not go empty-handed. Interestingly, Russia initially got acquainted with anthurium in bouquets, and then the plant took root as a pot

Important: there may be calcium crystals on the leaves of anthurium, which cause irritation on delicate (for example, children’s) skin. Also, watch your curious cats, who like to chew indoor flowers at their leisure: anthurium is an unsafe snack for them..


Lighting (where is it better to put the pot at home)

Anthurium willingly blooms in diffused but bright light. On the north window, it actively stretches out in search of light and does not look so spectacular, therefore, in some apartments, additional lighting is used. The diffused partial shade reminds the plant of its native tropics, so the western and eastern windows will fit perfectly, and in the southern in the summer you need to make sure that the anthurium does not burn: shade it or put it in a corner.

near the window


Indoor flower is quite friendly to room temperature or a couple of degrees lower.

  • Summer option – 20-25 degrees.
  • Winter – 16-18.

Keep in mind that the close proximity of the plant to heating devices is undesirable, and on hot summer days, the pot should be removed from the window. On a too cold windowsill, you can turn on the lamp for heat, and also carefully monitor the drafts: anthurium, like many other plants, does not tolerate them.


See also:

  • How to care for a shefflera at home
  • Home care for indoor hydrangea
  • How to care for dracaena at home
  • Caring for zamiokulkas (dollar tree) at home
  • How to care for begonia at home
  • How to take care of the money tree (bastard)
  • How to care for myrtle at home
  • How to care for hibiscus (indoor Chinese rose) at home
  • How to care for Kalanchoe at home
  • A tree in a room: how to care for Benjamin’s ficus at home
  • How to care for geraniums at home – a beginner’s guide
  • How to care for orchids – 7 steps for a beginner
  • How to care for violets at home


Although anthurium sometimes misses the tropics, it does not need any tropical rains when watering. Optimal watering schedule:

  • In summer – 2-3 times a week.
  • In winter – once a week.

It is convenient to focus on the state of the topsoil and water only after it dries out. Water should not stagnate to prevent root decay, so pour excess water out of a tray or saucer..


Important: Ice cold tap water will not work. We defend water for a day or collect rainwater. Pay attention to the water in your area: excess lime can lead to yellowing of the leaves. It is better to always keep clean, settled water next to the flower..


But humid air is a must for our beautiful plant. Anthurium is happy to have a daily shower from a spray bottle, or even several times a day. Important: reject the cob with a blanket when spraying, as moisture is only useful for the leaves of the plant.

Remember to regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, or even have a cool shower in the bathroom, covering the ground and the cobs.

If the air in the apartment is very dry, you can resort to an additional trick: overlay the pot in some container with expanded clay and moisten it daily. The stones will give off moisture as a self-contained air humidifier.

Photo of anthurium in the interior

Photo of anthurium in the interior

Top dressing

All indoor plants of this type adhere to their usual seasonal diet: they need feeding in the spring and summer. Two or three times a month will be enough.

  • Anthuriums are suitable fertilizers for aroid plants and orchids..


Read the fertilization instructions carefully: overfeeding a flower is just as bad as neglecting fertilizers.

  • Do not apply fertilizers on a hot summer day: it is better to do this in the morning so that the components do not burn the plant under intense sun.


Anthurium needs a transplant if:

  • He arrived from the store in a transport pot (the soil in such a substrate is dry, and the pot has large drainage holes, from where the water drains down and stagnates in the pallet).
  • If the plant has lived with you for a year or two (this is the period during which the anthurium needs fresh soil).

Repotting stimulates more abundant flowering and plant growth.

Pot selection

Anthurium loves narrow and small pots. Transplanting into a very spacious housing will only affect the appearance of “children” in large numbers, but not the decorative appearance of the anthurium itself.

Therefore, if the bush has already noticeably outgrown its planter, buy a new pot with a diameter of only 1-2 centimeters more.

Soil selection

It is easiest to buy soil for transplanting in the store among ready-made soil mixtures for plants of the aroid family and orchids. This is a light, airy soil that will appeal to tropical anthurium..

Soil preparation

Options for those looking to set the stage for themselves:

  • From ready-made soil for begonias with the addition of coconut fiber and coal;
  • From peat and humus with the addition of pine needles, coal and brick crumbs;
  • From turf land, river sand, humus and pieces of coal.

How to transplant anthurium step by step:

  1. We put enough drainage stones in a new pot;
  2. We fill the pot with soil by half;
  3. Gently transfer the plant from the pot;
  4. Place the plant in the center of the pot;
  5. We fill up the earth;
  6. Watering;
  7. We install in the chosen place in the house according to the tips for lighting and temperature.


  • Anthurium has very fragile roots that need to be freed from the ground, gently and carefully press the ground with your fingers when transplanting.
  • Anthurium needs aerial roots for life; they should not be cut to improve the decorative appearance. Spray them along with the leaves..
  • We do not deepen the root collar during transplantation.

Planting and reproduction of anthurium (step by step instructions)

Reproduction by children

If your anthurium has already grown and gave “children”, it will be easiest to propagate the plant like this:

  1. Carefully separate the children (best with your hands);
  2. Process the sections with crushed coal;
  3. Place the children in separate pots;
  4. Not abundant, but water regularly;
  5. Place the pots in a warm place out of the sun.

Soon the plant will take root and grow.

Propagation by cuttings

You can also propagate anthurium by cuttings:

  1. Cut off the stalk;
  2. Dry the slice for a few minutes;
  3. Put in a glass / glass of water;
  4. Cover with a mini greenhouse made of polyethylene or glass jars;
  5. Wait for the first roots to appear (about a week);
  6. Plant the grown stalk in the ground.

Anthurium rejuvenation

Nature has provided for the following principle of development for anthurium: when the bush grows, the lower leaves gradually die off, and new ones appear at the top. This feature slightly spoils the decorative appearance of the anthurium, and the flowers become small or disappear altogether. However, this does not matter, because the plant can and should be rejuvenated..

How to rejuvenate anthurium:

  1. Cut off the fresh top with leaves so that aerial roots remain (not necessarily everything: two or three roots are enough);
  2. We root the apical stalk by planting it with air roots in the ground;
  3. When disembarking, do not deepen the outlet;
  4. Water periodically and wait for the plant to grow.

Life hack for inexperienced growers: if, when separating the top, you saved the trunk and roots in an old pot, anthurium can give lateral shoots there, which will be a “safety net” if suddenly the top does not take root properly.

Types of anthuriums

  • The most favorite variety of flower growers is Anthurium Andre. This is understandable, since Andre is a champion in terms of flowering duration (almost a year). The bedspreads of the flower are bright and glossy, they can be of different colors, including even black, for which thanks to the selection.

anthurium andre

  • Anthurium Khrustalny and Anthurium the Magnificent are similar: they have wonderful names, and they conquer breeders not with flowering, but with their unusual leaves. They are shaped like a heart with a pointed base and are covered with a mesh pattern of veins..


Anthurium Crystal

  • Scherzer’s anthurium blooms incredibly beautifully: orange, white and red flower covers have a rounded shape and are sometimes even speckled. The ear can be very long and curl into a spiral.

anthurium scherzer

Scherzer’s Anthurium

  • Pink Anthurium is not so common. Its leaves are even more like hearts, and the bedspreads of flowers have a pleasant pink color, which looks great against the background of green foliage..

pink anthurium

Pink Anthurium

What’s wrong with my plant?

Let’s briefly go over the ailments of the plant, which are easy to warn.

Leaves dry at the ends

The plant is freezing. Move it closer to the lamp.

Rolling the leaves into a tube

Chances are, you are neglecting hydration. Spray the plant and line the pot with wet expanded clay, put a wet cloth on the battery.

Brown spots on the leaves

The plant has a cold: it may be standing in a draft or close to cold glass.

Leaves are covered with bloom

The plant has picked up the fungus, and it is urgent to treat it with a special composition from a specialized store.