Amazing patchwork: DIY blanket
Each patchwork product is unique: it is simply impossible to repeat it exactly.If you look at the numerous photos or videos showing patchwork things in the interior, you are amazed – such man-made beauty uniquely decorates any home. For novice craftswomen, patchwork is a technique in which you can find yourself and start decorating your house with your own hands. And the very first work can be a patchwork blanket, or bedspreads in the same technique..
Patchwork quilt of squares
You need to start by repeating other people’s mistakes. True, repetition of the theoretical. Often, such a huge, difficult work ends in disappointment – the needlewoman in the blanket does not like something.
Easy to Difficult: If you are new to this technique, it is best to start with simple blocks.
So, the main mistakes of beginners:
- Color spectrum. Don’t try to grasp the immensity. Find a photo of the color wheel (spectrum), where you will see all the color combinations. A blanket that is too colorful will not suit every interior style. Some combinations still need to be taken into account, look at the video, looking in detail at how a patchwork quilt looks in a specific setting.
- The fabrics must be the same in thickness and structure..
- All seams need to be ironed out very carefully, any master class focuses on this.
- During assembly, stretching of the edges can be allowed – be careful in this process, parts of the bedspread may deform.
- The pattern should have general logic – clear schemes, pictures, and not patchwork chaos.
Review any master class, re-read it several times. Pay attention to the schemes: schemes allow you not to get confused.
Patchwork quilts in the interior (video)
Master class: quilt patchwork
First, of course, it’s worth collecting all the necessary tools and materials together. Make sure you have everything you need.
- Pieces of fabric for squares;
- Schemes or patterns;
- DIY cardboard template (plastic is also possible);
- Scissors;
- Chalk;
- Pins;
- Threads;
- Sewing machine.
To work with fabric with your own hands, first of all, you need to prepare a workplace with everything you need
Further, the master class involves step-by-step actions. If you yourself are subsequently going to arrange your master class, do not forget to take step-by-step photos or videos.
Then stick to the following scheme:
- Decide on the pattern. For beginners, blankets with a large pattern or pattern are preferable (see the photo for examples). Since you have to sew a blanket from squares, the pattern can be quite simple, geometric (snake, mosaic).
- Choice of fabric. You need some bright enough shreds that will go to the front side. You will also need a plain canvas for the wrong side, as well as a synthetic winterizer for the layer. If you select fabrics that are the same texture, they will not wrinkle the first time you wash them..
- For beginners, precise fit is equally important. For this, there are templates, they can be cardboard or plastic (examples can be seen in the photo). When laying out patterns, consider the direction of the share thread.
- After cutting the required number of squares, proceed with the assembly. The shreds are applied to each other with the front side, and they need to be sewn along the marking line from the inside out. Do everything according to the terms of the color scheme. After the front is sewn, iron it well.
- On a table or other level surface spread out the fabric for the back of the bedspread (quilt). Put a synthetic winterizer on top, straighten the fabric with your own hands. Cut out the insulation with some margin on each side. The insulation must be quilted, otherwise it will “walk” on the blanket. The stitch patterns are always the same – from the center to the edges.
- The master class is drawing to a close. You need to pin all three layers with needles or pins. Align the layers to the topmost one. It remains only to sew. Tape around the edges will help keep the blanket from slipping, so take the time to sew on tape or something similar..
Before starting to cut the fabric, it is important to decide on the colors and patterns.
Regarding the squares: to make it easier to work, use diagrams on paper. On the diagram, you lay out the squares (their number is from 48 and more), and so you will not be lost in what to sew with. Take a photo of such a calculation, which will also serve as a reference for you..
DIY blanket in country style (video)
How to sew a patchwork quilt: color selection
The master class will also be complemented by tips for beginners on how to choose colors for a do-it-yourself blanket. For such a blanket of squares, you need to pick up shreds that go well.
Consider combinations of the most popular colors:
- Red combined with blue, yellow, gray and green;
- Yellow can be emphasized in green, blue, brown, golden;
- Burgundy “Friendly” with green, pink, gray and blue;
- Gray goes well with black, red, pink, green, light blue, yellow, blue;
- Brown goes well with beige, yellow, golden.
If you don’t want to make a blanket that is too colorful, three colors are the golden mean. A baby blanket can be more colorful, and patchwork pieces in it can be with funny and funny drawings.
A well-chosen color scheme will allow a patchwork quilt to become an important element of the interior.
Before starting work, the shreds must be washed and ironed.
Patchwork quilts
And now advice for beginners on how to decorate such blankets with their own hands. For example, you make a blanket from squares as a present for your child. Today it has become a tradition to give a patchwork blanket to a newborn. You can make festive embroidery on one of the squares with your own hands. Wishes, baby’s date of birth or author’s signature.
For novice craftsmen, it is important to show the class: you can decorate the blanket with an original braid, or you can make a patchwork insert from some special fabric. Often old children’s things are reworked into blankets, which you don’t want to part with any longer..
It is believed that things made with your own hands from old things have a special energy. So you can make a blanket-amulet for either a child or an adult.
Any work in patchwork, created by your own hands, or filmed in the process of making, or take a photo. This will help you in the future, and maybe it will be a hint for someone else..
Blanket patchwork (video master class)
Patchwork is the art of transforming small, by themselves, meaningless scraps into something whole, weighty, large. A photo gallery of such works inspires craftswomen to discover their own in this technique, and things last a long time and can even be passed on from generation to generation..